If you understand, my right hand is empty, do something about it! Rule Three: For every word I speak, reply with three. Rule Two: Look at me carefully right down to my shoes, got it? Rule One: Notice when my hairstyle is different from usual. Wakattara migite ga orusu nano wo nantoka shite! Sono san watashi no hitokoto ni wa mittsu no kotoba de henjisuru koto Sono ni chanto kutsu made miru koto ii ne?

Sono ichi itsumo to chigau kamigata ni kigatsuku koto World is Mine was featured in an American TV commercial for the 2012 Toyota Corolla, and later released on iTunes as a single. It was also featured as a PS3 exclusive downloadable song for THE 2, where it is choreographed to be a solo dance, which can only be performed by Hatsune Miku. It also made an appearance in Taiko no Tatsujin Wii: Kettei-Ban, which marks the song's first inclusion on a Nintendo console and outside a Sony console, while mirai 2 would be the first in the Project DIVA series on a Nintendo console to include it. The song has been featured in every Hatsune Miku -Project DIVA- game to date with the exception of extend (though extend is an expansion of -Project DIVA- 2nd, which featured it, and extend can play songs from 2nd), the PS3 version of F (the PSVita version features it, but it can only be played through the AR), Project mirai, and Project Diva X, making it the most recurring song in the series (not counting "Ievan Polkka", which is a cover song).

The song is considered by some fans to be Miku's "character theme song". There are many PV variations for this song however, the narrator is almost always portrayed as a "himedere" but short-tempered and fickle Miku (which is interesting because of the meek and sweet-tempered manner Miku is often portrayed having). Created by ryo as an original song, the song is about a spoiled girl who believes herself to be a "princess" that the world revolves around, and details her struggles with falling in love with a stand-offish boy. World is Mine is one of Hatsune Miku's songs.